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dc.contributor.authorPrashanth, C.M.
dc.contributor.authorChandrashekar, Shet, K.
dc.identifier.citationWorld Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2009, Vol.36, , pp.544-548en_US
dc.description.abstractIn recent past, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) has become the de facto industry standard for object-oriented modeling of the software systems. The syntax and semantics rich UML has encouraged industry to develop several supporting tools including those capable of generating deployable product (code) from the UML models. As a consequence, ensuring the correctness of the model/design has become challenging and extremely important task. In this paper, we present an approach for automatic verification of protocol model/design. As a case study, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) design is verified for the property, "the CALLER will not converse with the CALLEE before the connection is established between them ". The SIP is modeled using UML statechart diagrams and the desired properties are expressed in temporal logic. Our prototype verifier "UML-SMV" is used to carry out the verification. We subjected an erroneous SIP model to the UML-SMV, the verifier could successfully detect the error (in 76.26ms) and generate the error trace.en_US
dc.titleVerification of protocol design using UML - SMVen_US
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