3. Rare eBook Collection
Permanent URI for this communityhttps://idr.l4.nitk.ac.in/handle/123456789/17802
Item Adsorption(McGraw Hill Book, New York, 1951) Mantell, C LItem Advanced Calculus(John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1955) Brand, LouisItem Advances in Electronics Vol. I(Academic Press, New York, 1948) Marton, LItem ALA Cataloguing Rules for Author and Title Entries(American Library Association, Chicago, 1949) Beetle, ClaraItem American Highway Practice Vol. II(John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1942) Hewes, Laurence IlsleyItem Analytic Geometry and Calculus(McGraw Hill Book, New York, 1950) Gay, Harold JItem Analytic Theory of Continued Fractions(D Van Nostrand, New Jersey, 1948) Wall, H SItem The Analytical Foundations of Celestial Mechanics(Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1941) Wintner, AurelItem Application of Geology to Engineering Practice(Geological society of America, New York, 1950) Savage, John L; Raoades, Roger; Boawell, B EdwardItem Applied Plastic Product Design(Chapman & Hall, London, 1946) Davis, Robert L; Beck, Ronald DItem Atomic Energy(Chapman & Hall, London, 1949) Nimmo, R RItem Atomic Energy for Military Purposes(Princeton University, USA, 1948) Smyth, Henry DeWolfItem Atomic Spectra and Atomic Structure(Dover, New York, 1944) Herzberg, GerhardItem Basic Mathematical Analysis(McGraw Hill Book, New York, 1950) Glenn Ayre, HItem Basic Reinforced Concrete Design(Ronald Press, New York, 1950) C E, George Elwyn LargeItem Benighted(William Heinemann, London, 1927) Priestley, J.BItem Beton Precontraint(Editions Eyrolles, Paris, 1951) Guyon, YItem The Birth and Death of the Sun(The Viking, New York, 1943) Gamow, GeorgeItem Blue Print Reading(Harper & Brothers, New York, 1941) Hobart, D EItem The Business of Home Building(McGraw Hill Book, New York, 1950) Kenneth Johnstone, B; Joern, Charles E